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 Finally 500????

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2 participants

Finally 500???? Empty
MessageSujet: Finally 500????   Finally 500???? Icon_minitimeMar 05 Mar 2013, 18:13

Hi cuties....

I started updating my site with an allday clip, cutted into 5 parts.
2 are already up.

Part I:
I was alone at home yesterday and decided to make a Allday Clip to show you guys, that Im a girl next door !!! I cutted it into 5 parts. So here we start with Part 1. See me just waking up, talking about things to do, go out of bed, go into shower and showering, and see how tight the shower is already... I put the water standpipe unitentionally on with my fat hip roll ... hehe.... and the cold water came..... ehhhhh.... watch me sit on my bed and talking about my daily medicine... taking the medicine... drying hairs, tell you why I´m sitting while get ready for the day and show you my faveourite TV programm...

Part II:
Welcome to Spectacular Part 2. See me Weight in.... and I remembered a great trick,learned from my mom when I was a child and no trousers fits me.... this trick I want to betray you guys now.... watch me putting on my tight allday clothes & having a sweet and a rich in carbohydrates breakfast.

Here is the preview gif from Part 2:


Finally 500???? 359AlldayPart215HDDIVX
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 2000
Age : 37
Localisation : Suisse
profession : ... étudiant
loisir : manger, boire, bouffer, dormir ... me remplire le ventre !
Date d'inscription : 10/12/2007

Finally 500???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Finally 500????   Finally 500???? Icon_minitimeMar 05 Mar 2013, 22:04

Oh amazing !!!
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Finally 500???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Finally 500????   Finally 500???? Icon_minitimeMar 05 Mar 2013, 23:32

Smile !!
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A trop mangé

Masculin Nombre de messages : 1527
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 15/04/2012

Finally 500???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Finally 500????   Finally 500???? Icon_minitimeDim 10 Mar 2013, 16:25

Bravo, sehr gut, congratulations
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Finally 500???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Finally 500????   Finally 500???? Icon_minitime

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Finally 500????
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